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Competitor analysis

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If you look at it generally, competitor analysis is a systematic strategy that businesses deploy to identify major competitors and research their products, marketing strategies, and sales tactics. Now let’s narrow this a bit: within the realm of influencer marketing, competitor analysis involves scrutinizing how competing brands collaborate with influencers to boost their market presence, engage audiences, and drive conversions. By evaluating the influencer campaigns executed by competitors, you can gain essential insights that help in crafting superior strategies.

The process of competitive analysis in influencer marketing usually includes identifying the influencers aligned with competitors, the nature of the content produced, engagement rates, campaign outcomes, and the overall impact on brand perception and sales metrics. This comprehensive approach not only highlights what your competitors are doing right but also pinpoints areas where they may be falling short. This is where you get insights and ideas to act on immediately. The Famesters influencer marketing agency is here to help you with that, so let’s start with looking at the details of influencer marketing competitor analysis: read this article to understand the whats and hows.

Is competitive analysis in influencer marketing really that important?

The influencer marketing industry is rapid, changing and evolving every day, just like trends on social media. So, staying oblivious to the maneuvers of competitors can leave a brand in a vulnerable market position. Competitive analysis serves as a critical tool for strategic planning, providing several indispensable benefits:

  • Strategic insights: It furnishes brands with data-driven insights to inform their influencer selection, content direction, and campaign execution strategies, ensuring they remain relevant and effective.
  • Benchmarking: By understanding the landscape, brands can benchmark their own campaigns against competitors to see how well they are performing in terms of engagement, reach, and conversion. This benchmarking helps in setting realistic goals and refining tactics.
  • Opportunity identification: Analyzing competitors’ actions helps brands identify market gaps or underserved audience segments. It also allows brands to spot emerging trends and technologies that competitors are capitalizing on, which might be instrumental in gaining a competitive edge.
  • Risk minimization: Understanding the full spectrum of the market helps brands anticipate potential risks by observing shifts in competitors’ strategies. For instance, if multiple competitors suddenly enhance their collaboration with a particular type of influencer or target a new demographic, it may signal a shift in consumer preferences or an untapped market potential.
  • Resource optimization: By discerning which strategies yield the best ROI for competitors, a brand can better allocate its resources, whether by focusing on certain social platforms, influencer types, or content formats that show the most promise based on competitive performance.

Competition analysis in influencer marketing is not just about keeping up with rivals but about seizing opportunities to outpace them. It empowers you with the knowledge to make informed decisions that enhance your brand’s visibility, engagement, and overall market position, ultimately optimizing both strategic impact and budgetary spend.

More details about benefits of competitive analysis in influencer marketing

Strategic advantages: enhanced market foresight and better positioning of influencer marketing strategies

  • Proactive strategy formulation: By understanding the competitive landscape, you can anticipate market shifts and react proactively rather than reactively. This foresight allows for better preparedness and strategic alignment with market demands.
  • Strategic positioning: With detailed insights into competitors’ strategies, brands can position their marketing tactics to highlight their unique strengths, effectively differentiating themselves in the marketplace.

Optimization of marketing spend: improved ROI through refined influencer selection and targeted campaigns

  • Cost efficiency: Competitive analysis in influencer marketing helps you identify the most effective and influential partners, ensuring that marketing budgets are spent on influencer campaigns that yield the best returns.
  • Targeted campaigns: By analyzing the successes and failures of competitors’ influencer campaigns, you can design highly targeted campaigns of your own that resonate more effectively with the desired audience, potentially increasing conversion rates.

Increased market share: ability to capitalize on gaps left by competitors and to enter underserved market segments


  • Market gaps identification: Influencer marketing competitive analysis reveals service gaps in your competitors’ offerings. You can exploit these gaps by offering products or services that meet the unaddressed needs of the market, and so – attracting a larger customer base.
  • Market entry strategies: Understanding where competitors have overlooked or underserved market segments allows brands to develop targeted entry strategies, thus expanding their market share and establishing a presence in lucrative niches.

A well-conducted competition analysis in influencer marketing equips you with vital data to fine-tune your influencer marketing strategies, optimize your marketing spend, and expand your market share by being more in tune with the dynamics of the market and the activities of your competitors. Influencer marketing competitor analysis is a strategic tool that is indispensable for you if you are looking to strengthen your brand’s market position and achieve sustainable growth.

What competitor analysis in influencer marketing is actually about

What competitor analysis in influencer marketing is actually about

Basically, influencer marketing competitor analysis in the context of influencer marketing involves a thorough scrutiny of how competing brands use influencers to improve their market position. The main objectives of influencer marketing competitive analysis usually include:

  • Understanding market dynamics: It provides an overview of the competitive landscape, helping you recognize trends, influencer effectiveness, and audience responses to various campaign strategies.
  • Identifying competitor strategies: By analyzing the influencer marketing strategies of competitors, you can identify what types of influencers, content, and campaign messages are performing well in your industry.

Recognizing market opportunities: This analysis helps you discover gaps in the market that competitors are either underserving or overlooking entirely, presenting potential opportunities for differentiation and leadership.

Key components of influencer marketing competitive analysis

To conduct an effective competitive analysis in influencer marketing, you should consider the following components:

Products and services

Identification of competitor offerings: Review the range of products or services competitors promote using influencer partnerships. This includes examining the features, benefits, and unique selling propositions highlighted by influencers which can provide insight into competitor product positioning and market segmentation.

Pricing strategies

Analysis of pricing models and discounts: Understand the pricing structure competitors are using to attract and convert viewers into customers through influencer channels. This includes any discounts, affiliate models, or special offers that influencers might be promoting, which can provide insights into competitors’ sales tactics and consumer purchase triggers.

Marketing efforts

Examination of social media presence: Analyze how competitors are utilizing social media platforms (Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Twitch, Facebook, etc.) in conjunction with influencers. This includes the frequency of posts, the engagement rates, and the types of content (videos, blogs, live streams) that are being published.

Google AdWords and other promotional tactics: Look at how competitors integrate their influencer marketing campaigns with broader digital marketing strategies, including paid ads, SEO, and content marketing. Understanding these tactics can reveal how competitors are amplifying their influencer content and the effectiveness of these integrations.

Influence and outreach

Scrutiny of partnerships with influencers and content creators: Detail the scope and nature of competitor collaborations with influencers. This includes analyzing the choice of influencers (for example, micro or macro-influencers), the style and format of the content produced, and the consistency of message across different campaigns and platforms. Additionally, examine the reach and engagement metrics of these partnerships to assess their impact.

By dissecting these components, you can gather strategic insights that not only benchmark your performance but also inspire more innovative and effective influencer marketing strategies. This holistic approach ensures that competitive analysis goes beyond mere observation, translating into actionable intelligence that can drive your brand’s influencer marketing to new heights of success. 

Conducting competitor research in influencer marketing: A step-by-step guide

Identifying competitors

Here are some techniques to pinpoint direct and indirect competitors using tools and manual methods.

Utilization of analytical tools

  • SEO and SEM tools: Use tools like Semrush or Ahrefs to identify which competitors are ranking for the same keywords as your brand. These tools can also show paid ad strategies and organic search rankings.
  • Social media monitoring tools: Platforms such as Hootsuite provide insights into which brands are being discussed frequently in your domain and what kind of interaction they are getting.
  • Influencer marketing platforms: Such platforms allow you to check and monitor influencers’ activities, including brand partnerships, and their audience behavior. Use influencer marketing platforms to find the influencers your competitors collaborate with, the pieces of content that the influencers create, and the data on how consumers react to the content.
  • Market explorer tools: Use advanced tools to explore market segments and identify key players and their market shares, which can help in recognizing both direct and indirect competitors.

Manual methods

  • Search engines: Perform searches on Google using relevant keywords and phrases that describe your products and services to see which companies appear most frequently in search results.
  • Social media search: Manually check platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok for influencers who are actively promoting products in your niche and look at whom they are partnering with.

Analyzing competitor marketing strategies

Here’s how you can assess competitors’ use of social media, advertising campaigns, and influencer collaborations:

Social media analysis

  • Engagement and content strategies: Examine the frequency, type, and engagement rates of posts. Pay attention to which posts are promoted as ads.
  • Audience analysis: Look at the demographics of the followers and the quality of interactions (comments and shares).

Advertising campaigns review

  • Ad content and reach: Analyze the creativity, visual appeal, messaging of the ads and the reach of these ads including geographical and demographic targeting.
  • Integration with influencer content: Observe how well the brand integrates traditional advertising campaigns with influencer collaborations.

Influencer collaborations and evaluating advertising from influencers

  • Partnership scope: Identify which influencers or content creators are partnered with the competitors and the terms of these partnerships (e.g., duration, exclusivity).
  • Platforms used: See what social media platforms your competitors use to promote their brands with the help of influencers. It may signal where your target audience is heavily present and engaged.
  • Campaign outcomes: Assess the visibility and engagement results from these collaborations.

Methods to analyze the scope and impact of competitors’ influencer campaigns, including format and volume of content:

  • Types of content: Determine what content the influencers partnered with your competitors produce to promote them (Instagram Stories, YouTube long videos, TikTok short videos, Twitch live streams, blog posts, reviews, tutorials, etc.)
  • Content quality and frequency: Assess the production quality, aesthetic appeal, and the regularity of content shared by influencers.
  • Content volume: Calculate the amount of content produced by influencers over a certain period.
  • Reach and engagement metrics: Analyze the reach of these posts (views and shares) and engagement metrics (likes, comments, interaction rates).

Additional custom competitor research

This is an additional service from the Famesters influencer marketing agency. You may need specific data, maybe your competitors are doing something creative and special in terms of marketing, or maybe your niche simply involves certain actions and data that other industries don’t have – we are here to help you discover and analyze that.

Here are some examples of nuanced insights:

  • App store performance: Keep track of how competitors’ apps rank on platforms like the Google Play Store and Apple App Store, monitor changes in rankings, and analyze user ratings and reviews.
  • Follower growth tracking: Examine the growth rate of competitors’ social media profiles, noting any spikes in follower gains possibly linked to marketing campaigns.
  • Engagement rate analysis: Evaluate how engagement rates (likes, shares, comments per post) evolve over time and in response to different campaign strategies.
Additional custom competitor research


It’s what the Famesters influencer marketing experts do to make competitor analysis reports easy to understand and use. We arrange all the information, data, and insights in neat presentations. All findings are meticulously compiled into comprehensive, easy-to-understand reports with actionable insights. We use graphs, charts, and tables to visually summarize the data, making it accessible for stakeholders to make informed decisions.

This structured approach to competitive analysis in influencer marketing not only highlights direct competition but also brings indirect and potential competitors into focus, providing a holistic view of the competitive landscape. This enables you to strategize effectively, ensuring robust market presence and optimized influencer collaborations.

In the end, you can simply contact the Famesters influencer marketing agency so that our experts with 7+ years of experience in the industry can do all the work for you. We work both manually and with the help of advanced influencer marketing tools, including our own-developed AI.

Implementing findings from influencer marketing competitor analysis

Acquiring data and insight from influencer marketing competitor research is not the end of the work here. You need to utilize the knowledge you have gained to make data-driven decisions. So, this is how you can use information from influencer marketing competitive analysis:

Strategic initiatives. Leverage insights gathered from competitive analysis to inform strategic decisions across the board, from product development and launches to influencer partnership selections and campaign designs. This approach ensures that all initiatives are grounded in real-world data, enhancing the likelihood of their success.

Marketing campaigns optimization. Utilize competitor benchmarks to tailor marketing efforts that effectively speak to target demographics while differentiating the brand from its competitors. This can involve selecting more impactful influencers, optimizing campaign messages, or reallocating budgets to higher-performing channels.

Product alignment. Adjust product offerings based on the competitive landscape. If analysis shows a competitor’s product is capturing a sizable market share due to features your products lack, consider incorporating these features into your future product development plans to remain competitive.

Implementing findings from influencer marketing competitor analysis

For continuous improvement, implement iIterative process that refines strategies based on ongoing data collection and market trends:

Feedback loops. Establish robust mechanisms to continuously gather data, not just from competitors, but also from own performance metrics. Use this data to create a feedback loop where strategies are constantly adjusted and optimized based on the latest market developments and company performance.

Market trend analysis. Regularly update your competitor analysis to include new entrants and to assess how competitive dynamics shift. This continual reassessment helps to spot trends as they develop, rather than at their maturity, allowing for more effective responses.

Adaptability in tactics. Being flexible and ready to pivot strategies based on competitive intelligence is crucial. If a competitor’s new influencer campaign drastically changes the influencer marketing landscape, quick, data-informed adjustments to your own influencer strategy can help mitigate any negative impacts on your market position.

Long-term strategic planning. Use ongoing insights from competition analysis to plan for the long term. This might mean strengthening areas of weakness, discontinuing efforts that do not deliver value, or doubling down on areas that are expected to grow based on market intelligence.

Final words

Conducting a competitor analysis within the influencer marketing sector is not just beneficial; it is essential for any brand looking to thrive and outpace the competition. Understanding how your competitors leverage influencer partnerships and the successes or failures of their strategies provides you with critical insights that can significantly enhance your own marketing tactics.

Don’t let your brand be overshadowed by competitors. Take charge of your market position today by embracing the power of competitive analysis in influencer marketing. Contact us at the Fametsers influencer marketing agency, where our expertise meets your ambition to craft strategies that not only match but exceed market standards. Let’s collaborate to transform your influencer marketing efforts and achieve unparalleled success: [email protected]

Frequently asked questions about competitor analysis in influencer marketing

What is competitor analysis in influencer marketing?

Competitive analysis in influencer marketing involves evaluating your competitors’ strategies in using influencers to enhance their brand’s visibility and market presence. This includes analyzing whom they partner with, the nature and format of the content, campaign outcomes, and the overall impact of these efforts on their brand performance.


Why should my business conduct a competitive analysis?

  • Identifying competitive edges: Competitive analysis helps you understand the landscape in which your business operates, not just in terms of what competitors are doing right, but where they are lacking, offering you a clear path to differentiate yourself.
  • Strategic planning: It provides data-driven insights that aid in making informed decisions that enhance your marketing strategies, improve ROI, and ultimately help in capturing a larger market share.
  • Trend identification: It keeps you abreast of industry trends and practices, preventing your strategies from becoming obsolete and keeping your marketing efforts modern and impactful.


How often should I conduct a competitor research?

Famesters experts advise to conduct a full competitive analysis at least bi-annually. Market dynamics in influencer marketing can change rapidly due to the fast-paced nature of social media and digital trends. Regular analysis allows you to stay relevant and effective in your strategies. However, monitoring should be an ongoing process to track significant changes, such as a competitor’s new campaign or a shift in influencer popularity.


What should I look for when conducting a competitive analysis?

  • Key aspects: Include their range of products or services, pricing models, marketing strategies across channels, influencer engagement tactics, content quality, and the frequency of their influencer collaborations.
  • Performance metrics: Assess the engagement rates of their campaigns, the growth and responsiveness of their audience, and the ROI where possible.
  • Influencer relationships: Understand the types of influencers they use (micro-influencers vs. celebrity influencers), the terms of their collaborations, and the success rate of these partnerships.


Can I perform a competitor analysis without a budget?

While having a budget does facilitate a more in-depth analysis through paid tools and resources, businesses can still perform a basic competitive analysis without a budget. Utilizing free tools like Google Alerts and engaging manually with competitor content can provide substantial initial insights at no cost.


What common mistakes should I avoid in competitive analysis?

Overlooking indirect competitors: Many businesses focus too narrowly on direct competitors and overlook indirect competitors who can provide unique insights into the market.

Static analysis: Treating competitive analysis as a one-time activity rather than an ongoing process can lead to outdated strategies that no longer resonate with the target audience.

Surface-level analysis: Merely scratching the surface by only considering visible aspects like the number of influencer partnerships without delving deeper into the impact or the quality of interactions can skew the overall picture.


How do I use the findings from a competitor analysis?

  • Strategic adjustments: Utilize the insights gained to refine your marketing strategies, possibly by adopting successful tactics from competitors or by addressing the gaps they are missing, to better meet customer needs.
  • Influencer selection: Choose influencers who align with your brand’s values and those who can fill in the gaps your competitors have left open.
  • Content optimization: Tailor your content strategies based on what is resonating with audiences in your niche, which can be gleaned from successful competitor campaigns.
  • Resource allocation: Reallocate your resources more efficiently by focusing on tactics and channels that offer the best ROI, as evidenced by the competitive analysis.

Conducting a competition analysis in influencer marketing not only sharpens your marketing efforts but also enhances strategic planning and execution, ensuring that your brand remains competitive and relevant in a saturated market.


Reach the most interested, loyal, and engaged consumers with the help of influencers. Contact us to kick off your brand's promotion