
 Just Released: Influencer Marketing Report 2024. Download
Beauty influencer marketing

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In 2024, influencer marketing is a cornerstone strategy within the beauty industry, as it is propelled by the digital age’s expansive reach and the intrinsic visual appeal of beauty products. As social media platforms have become ubiquitous in consumers’ daily lives, beauty brands have found a fertile ground in influencer collaborations to showcase their products. Influencers, with their dedicated followings and content that ranges from how-to guides to product evaluations, have bridged the gap between brands and consumers, offering a level of relatability and trust that traditional advertising mediums struggle to achieve. The result is a dynamic and symbiotic relationship where influencers help beauty brands win the hearts of consumers, making influencer marketing not just a trend, but a vital component of modern marketing strategies.

The importance of influencer marketing for beauty brands in 2024 can’t be overstated. In a market saturated with myriad product options and increasingly discerning consumers, beauty influencer marketing offers a way to cut through the noise and directly engage with target audiences. This engagement is not just superficial; it’s deeply rooted in authenticity, personal storytelling, and genuine endorsements, which resonate strongly with today’s consumers. As we move forward, the alignment of beauty brands with influencers who share their ethos and aesthetic has become more than just a marketing tactic; it’s a strategic necessity that leverages the power of social proof to build brand equity and consumer loyalty. 

So, let’s see how influencer marketing for beauty brands works, what types of beauty influencers there are, and how to build a successful strategy for your influencer marketing campaign. Let the Famesters agency experts assist you!

Why beauty influencer marketing is vital for your business

Visual nature of beauty products

Beauty products inherently possess a strong visual appeal, making them ideally suited for showcase on visually-driven social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. Influencers, with their knack for creating visually captivating content, bring these products to life through high-quality imagery, engaging video tutorials, and compelling before-and-after transformations. This visual storytelling not only highlights the product’s effectiveness but also demonstrates its application, usage, and results in real-world scenarios. Influencers’ ability to creatively present beauty products in various contexts – from daily routines to special occasions – helps potential customers visualize the product in their lives, significantly influencing their purchasing decisions.

Some stats on growth and effectiveness of beauty influencer marketing

The influencer marketing industry has witnessed exponential growth over the past few years, with the beauty sector at the forefront of this surge. The influencer marketing industry is valued at over $21 billion, a testament to its effectiveness and the significant investment brands are willing to make. 

Source: Famesters influencer marketing report

Specific to the beauty industry, studies have shown that nearly 60% of beauty and fashion companies use influencer marketing as part of their marketing strategies. Moreover, campaigns involving influencers have shown to generate an average of $5.20 ROI for every $1 spent, underscoring the substantial impact and cost-effectiveness of influencer collaborations.

The impact of beauty influencers on consumer behavior and brand perception

Beauty influencers significantly impact consumer behavior and brand perception in several ways:

  • Shaping trends: Influencers are at the forefront of beauty trends, often popularizing new products, techniques, or styles before they hit the mainstream. Their endorsements can catapult niche products into widespread popularity.
  • Building trust: Due to the personal and authentic nature of their content, influencers foster a sense of trust with their audience. Recommendations from influencers are often taken as advice from a friend, making their endorsements highly influential in purchasing decisions.
  • Enhancing brand visibility: Collaborations with influencers can dramatically increase a brand’s visibility, introducing products to a broad and engaged audience. This exposure is invaluable for both established and emerging beauty brands.
  • Altering brand perception: Influencers can also play a crucial role in altering or reinforcing brand perception. By associating with influencers who share their ethos and aesthetic, brands can strengthen their identity and appeal to their desired audience.

Benefits of influencer marketing for beauty brands

Enhanced brand awareness and reach

Beauty influencer marketing exponentially broadens a brand’s visibility, introducing products to diverse and extensive audiences across different social media platforms. Influencers act as brand ambassadors, amplifying messages across their networks, which often span global and varied demographics. This expanded reach is invaluable for beauty brands looking to establish a presence in crowded markets.

Authenticity and trust-building with potential customers

Perhaps the most significant advantage of influencer marketing lies in the authenticity and trust influencers can build among their followers. Unlike traditional advertisements, influencer endorsements are perceived as personal recommendations from a trusted friend. This level of authenticity fosters a deeper connection between the brand and its potential customers, driving conversions through trust. As a result, 66% of marketers see that influencers’ contect works better or as well as more traditional branded content:

How does influencer content perform

Source: Famesters influencer marketing report

Higher engagement rates compared to traditional advertising

Influencers have the unique ability to create engaging, creative content that resonates with their audience, leading to higher engagement rates than seen in conventional advertising channels. This engagement is not just about views or likes; it’s about fostering a community around shared interests and genuine interactions, which is particularly potent in the beauty sector.

For example, an average Canadian beauty influencer on Instagram has an engagement rate of 2.3%, which is the highest for now if we take just the Instagram beauty influencers, and for France and the USA engagement rate is at 2% here. And on TikTok, the levels of engagement are way higher: beauty influencers from Canada get 17% here, French have 10%, and Americans – 9.1%.

Beauty influencers engagement rates on Instagram

Source: Influencer Marketing Hub

SEO benefits and reduced ad fatigue

Influencer marketing contributes positively to a brand’s digital footprint, enhancing SEO through quality backlinks and increased online mentions. Additionally, as consumers grow weary of traditional ads, the personalized and content-rich approach of influencer marketing offers a fresh perspective, reducing ad fatigue and elevating user experience.

Cost-effectiveness and insights into consumer preferences

Compared to high-budget ad campaigns, influencer marketing can be more cost-effective, especially when partnering with micro-influencers who often have highly engaged audiences. Moreover, collaborations with influencers provide valuable insights into consumer preferences and behavior, enabling brands to tailor their offerings more precisely and efficiently.

By leveraging the authentic connections influencers have with their audiences, beauty brands can achieve not only enhanced visibility and engagement but also gain valuable consumer insights and build lasting trust with potential customers. As we look towards the future, the strategic integration of influencer marketing into beauty brands’ overall marketing strategies will continue to play a critical role in their success.

Understanding beauty influencers: types and peculiarities

Beauty influencers are content creators who specialize in the beauty industry, sharing content across social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and more. Their roles extend beyond mere content creation; they are trendsetters, educators, and trusted advisors in the realm of beauty. Through their platforms, beauty influencers engage with a wide audience by providing valuable insights into various beauty products, techniques, and trends. Their influence stems from their ability to authentically connect with followers, providing personalized content that resonates with their audience’s interests and needs.

The spectrum of beauty influencers

The world of beauty influencers is diverse, with each type catering to specific facets of beauty and connecting with distinct audience segments:

  • Product gurus: These influencers are the connoisseurs of beauty products, offering exhaustive reviews, comparisons, and recommendations. They help their followers navigate the vast array of beauty products by sharing their expertise and personal experiences. Example: Sarah Palmira on TikTok.
  • Beauty vloggers: Charismatic and relatable, these influencers share their beauty journeys through videos inviting followers to “get ready” together with them, makeup challenges, and lifestyle vlogs. They often form a close-knit community with their followers, sharing insights into their personal lives alongside beauty tips. Example: Nyma Tang on YouTube.
  • Makeup artists (MUAs): They are professional makeup artists. MUAs use social media to showcase their skills, offering tutorials that range from everyday looks to avant-garde and editorial makeup. They are revered for their technical prowess and creative inspirations. Example: Bea Sweet on Instagram.
Bea Sweet’s work

Bea Sweet’s work

  • Skinfluencers or skincare advocates: Dedicated to the world of skincare, these influencers focus on routines, product reviews, and skin health education. They share their personal skincare journeys, making them relatable guides for followers looking to improve their skin care practices. Example: Dr Caroline Robinson MD on Instagram.
  • Ethical influencers: With a focus on sustainability, cruelty-free practices, and ethical beauty, these influencers appeal to environmentally and socially conscious consumers. They highlight brands and products that align with ethical standards, influencing the industry towards more responsible practices. Example: Justine Jenkins on Instagram.


  • Niche experts: They specialize in particular beauty niches – anything specific. It can be organic beauty products, solutions for acne-prone skin, or anti-aging regimens. These influencers cater to specific interests, offering deep dives into their areas of expertise. Note that often “niche influencers” are those who are experts with considerably small followings, but in this case with beauty influencers, niche experts may have millions of followers who value their experience and advice. Example: Melissa Gilbert on YouTube, Instagram.

Examples of successful influencer marketing campaigns by leading beauty brands

MAC Cosmetics’ collaboration with Johnny Ross

This campaign is a prime example of how authenticity and inclusivity resonate with audiences. MAC is a brand with 40 years of history, but it’s still relevant and keeps up with Gen Z needs. To do so, MAC engages beauty influencers like Johnny Ross. By partnering with Johnny Ross, a makeup artist who champions gender inclusivity and challenges beauty norms, MAC Cosmetics reinforced its brand values and connected with a broader, more diverse audience, resulting in increased brand loyalty and visibility.

Milk Makeup’s use of micro-influencers

Milk Makeup‘s strategy to leverage micro-influencers for user-generated content showcases the power of relatability and community. By featuring real customers and smaller-scale influencers in their marketing, Milk Makeup not only increased engagement but also fostered a sense of trust and authenticity around their products, driving sales and enhancing brand perception.

Milk Makeup working with micro-influencers

CeraVe’s strategic use of TikTok for explosive growth

CeraVe’s meteoric rise to a staple in bathrooms globally can be attributed to its strategic influencer marketing campaigns, particularly on TikTok. Collaborating with TikTok sensation Charli D’Amelio, who boasts over 130 million followers, alongside a cosmetics enthusiast and two dermatologists, CeraVe crafted a campaign that was both engaging and informative. Leveraging TikTok’s unique content features like the collage function and choreographed videos to showcase their moisturizing cream, CeraVe not only captivated audiences but also significantly boosted its brand presence on the platform, achieving over 130 million views and attracting more than 300,000 new followers to its TikTok account. This campaign exemplifies how creative alignment with platform-specific content styles and the right mix of influencers can lead to unprecedented brand growth and visibility.

@charlidamelio @CeraVe has always loved me for me 🤍 #CeraVe #CeraVePartner #CeraVeAcneAcademy ♬ original sound – charli d’amelio

Steps for building a successful influencer marketing campaign

Strategy development

Identifying campaign goals and KPIs

Before launching an influencer marketing campaign for a beauty brand, it’s critical to define clear, measurable goals. These could range from increasing brand awareness, boosting product sales, growing social media followers, to enhancing engagement rates. Once goals are established, select Key Performance Indicators such as engagement rate, click-through rate, conversion rate, and growth in followers, to accurately measure the success of the campaign against your objectives. Don’t stick to just “We need to get high engagement and more sales of our new mascara”. You need clearer formulas: “The desirable engagement rate is 6%; also we want to sell at least 1,000 of new mascara items”.

Understanding your audience: demographics, preferences, and behaviors

A deep understanding of your target audience is essential for crafting a campaign that resonates. Analyze demographic data, including age, gender, geographic location, and also delve into their preferences and behaviors. What content do they consume? Which platforms do they frequent? This information will guide the selection of influencers and the type of content that will be most effective.

Competitor analysis for identifying gaps and opportunities

Analyzing what competitors are doing in the influencer space can reveal untapped opportunities or gaps in their strategies that your brand can capitalize on. Look at the influencers they partner with, the content themes they explore, and the audience engagement they receive. This insight can help differentiate your campaign and position your brand to fill any gaps in the market. At the Famesters beauty influencer marketing agency we also check the influencers’ performance if they have already collaborated with your competitors. This way we can see exactly what impact the influencers’ content had, what your target audience liked the most, and what can work best for your beauty brand.

Influencer collaboration

Finding the right beauty influencers

Identifying influencers who align with your brand’s values and resonate with your target audience is crucial. You can utilize influencer marketing tools and platforms or creator marketplaces to search for influencers by yourself. Also, you can turn to an experienced beauty influencer marketing agency like Famesters to get a list of relevant beauty influencers who have already been checked and verified by our experts.

Collaborating with influencers

  • Prioritize authenticity and genuine brand affinity in influencer selection.
  • Establish clear communication and set mutual expectations early in the collaboration.
  • Consider long-term partnerships for sustained brand presence rather than one-off campaigns.

Beauty influencer marketing campaign execution

Create engaging and authentic content together with influencers

Collaborate with influencers to create content that is both engaging and true to their style. Encourage them to produce a variety of content forms, such as in-depth product reviews, step-by-step tutorials, and compelling unboxing videos. This diversity not only keeps the content fresh but also caters to different audience preferences.

Give creative freedom to beauty influencers

Allowing influencers the creative freedom to present your brand in their unique voice is key to authentic and engaging content. Influencers know their audience best; trusting them to create content that will resonate ensures authenticity and fosters a stronger connection with their followers. 

Leverage user-generated content for enhanced engagement

Include UGC as part of your campaign strategy. UGC not only amplifies the reach and authenticity of your campaign, but also builds a community around your brand. Featuring customer testimonials, reviews, and content can provide social proof and encourage more organic interaction with your brand.

Navigating challenges of influencer marketing for beauty brands and scaling your success

Beauty influencer marketing requires a nuanced approach, focusing not only on immediate outcomes but also on sustainable growth and adaptability. Here’s a strategic guide to overcoming challenges and scaling your influencer marketing campaigns effectively.

Monitor and measure campaign success

  • Don’t forget about your KPIs. You have set them for a reason, right? Check them and compare with the results your influencer marketing campaign brings. Utilizing platform-specific analytics tools and third-party software can provide a comprehensive view of these metrics. With the Famesters beauty influencer marketing agency, you get detailed reports and analytical insights, neatly designed for transparency and a better understanding of what influencer marketing actually does for your beauty brand.
  • Implement a system for regular monitoring and reporting. This could involve weekly or monthly reviews of campaign performance against your KPIs. Such regular assessments allow for timely identification of trends, successes, and areas needing improvement.
  • Incorporate feedback from influencers and their audience into your evaluation process. Influencers’ insights can be particularly valuable, offering a frontline perspective on what resonates with the audience and why.

Adjust and optimize strategies for long-term growth

  • Data-driven decisions: Use the data gathered from monitoring efforts to inform your strategy. Look for patterns or anomalies in performance data that could suggest new directions or adjustments to your approach.
  • Test and learn: Be prepared to experiment with different types of content, influencer partnerships, and platforms. A/B testing can be a practical approach, allowing you to compare different strategies’ effectiveness and adapt based on what works best. At the Famesters beauty influencer marketing agency, based on our 7+ years of experience, we suggest using 40% of your budget for testing.

Scale influencer partnerships and diversify content strategies

  • Broadening the influencer mix: As your campaign matures, consider diversifying your influencer partnerships. This could mean expanding into different tiers of influencers, from micro to macro, or exploring collaborations in new niches within the beauty sector.
  • Multi-platform presence: Don’t limit your strategy to a single platform. Explore opportunities across various social media platforms, each offering unique advantages and audience demographics. Tailoring your content to fit the specific context and user behavior of each platform can maximize engagement.
  • Long-term collaborations: Build long-term relationships with successful influencers. Continuous collaborations can lead to deeper brand affiliation and influencer advocacy, fostering a sense of brand loyalty among their followers. 61% of brands already prefer to work with the same influencers multiple times over one-off partnerships, and that’s for a reason:
Repetitive influencer partnerships

Source: Famesters Influencer Marketing Report

  • Content innovation: Keep the content fresh and engaging by exploring new formats and innovative ideas. Ask beauty influencers of your choice for advice! This could involve leveraging the latest social media features, tapping into emerging trends, or creating branded challenges that encourage widespread participation.

Final words

For beauty brands eager to unlock the advantages of influencer marketing – the benefits ranging from higher engagement rates to insightful consumer feedback, from an increase in sales to a higher ROI – collaborating with a specialized marketing agency offers a streamlined path to success. The Fametsers beauty influencer marketing agency provides expertise, creative strategies, and access to a diverse network of influencers, ensuring your campaigns resonate deeply and bring the desired results.

This is your opportunity to stand out in the crowded market, to boost your beauty brand with influencer marketing. Contact us via [email protected] so we can start crafting a campaign that captivates, engages, and inspires your target audience!


Reach the most interested, loyal, and engaged consumers with the help of influencers. Contact us to kick off your brand's promotion